A curation of news on palm oil with a focus on sustainable palm oil.
Read the news that is going to impact the palm oil industry globally. May 2019
Read the news that is going to impact the palm oil industry globally. May 2019

Japan Considering Sustainability Credentials for Palm Kernel Shells
With Japan considering palm kernel shell sustainability requirements, Japanese imports will likely face a steep decline as regulations go into effect. Once requirements can be met by palm oil producers, they will inevitably trend upward again. BiomassMagazine
With Japan considering palm kernel shell sustainability requirements, Japanese imports will likely face a steep decline as regulations go into effect. Once requirements can be met by palm oil producers, they will inevitably trend upward again. BiomassMagazine
B10 biodiesel now available in Thailand. ThaiVisa
France. Total to move ahead with using palm oil at biodiesel refinery. Reuters
Setback for EU fighter jets as Malaysia bets on palm oil barter. DeutscheWelle
Crosscheck: Sime Darby unveils industry-first platform for palm oil transparency, ecobusiness
Malaysia. Ensuring long-term stable ties with China. TheStar
China. Ministry of Agriculture signs MoU with Malaysian Minister of Industries. MOAChina
Poland against EU plan to ban use of palm oil for biofuels: Envoy. TheSunDaily
China. ZOZEN biomass fired boilers boost the high-quality development of oil processing industry. YahooFinance
Malaysia's FGV Holdings looks to cut reliance on palm oil. Nasdaq
Sime Darby Oils — the rebranding of downstream businesses. TheMalaysianReserve
French palm oil imports up as biodiesel plant starts. Argus
Germany - 2018 biodiesel output flat amid lower palm oil use. Agranet
Neste CEO Peter Vanacker: 'We are not an oil refining company anymore' BusinessGreen
India Agrees To Buy Ex-Mig-29s And Palm Oil From Malaysia To Secure LCA Deal. DefenceNews
Nigeria. Over 600,000 plantation workers to lose jobs as palm producers allege sabotageTheGuardianNigeria.
Thailand. B10 to get wider distribution. BangkokPost
Liberia: Solidaridad Launches West African Oil Palm Program. FrontPageAfrica
Malaysia seeks British help in EU palm oil row. MalaysianInsight
Indonesia. EU Visit to Oil Palm Plantation in Riau Eases Tensions. JakartaGlobe
Latin America. World’s Biggest Palm Oil Planter Is Running Out of Space at Home. Bloomberg
Nigeria Imports 112,480mt Of Oil Palm In Q1. Independent
Thailand - Bangkok orders power, fuel producers to use more CPO. AgraNet
Malaysia minister accuses EU of palm oil 'trade war' France24
Indonesia. EU's Palm Oil Panic. JakartaGlobe
Neste wants to start selling pure biodiesel in Estonia this summer. ERR
Malaysia calls on Southeast Asia to back palm oil against EU’s ‘unfair’ claims. EcoBusiness
Malaysia minister lambasts Singapore’s ‘sad’ stance on palm oil. EcoBusiness
Gabon. Olam gains RSPO certification for Gabon grassland palm oil site. ConfectioneryProduction
Ghana. BIRIM Central to supply 50,000 oil palm seedlings to farmers. GhanaNewsAgency
Latin America. Latin American Members Reach One Million Tonne Milestone. RSPO
Press release: Nestlé verifies three-quarters of its supply chain as deforestation-free. EthicalCorp
Toronto. Feronia Inc reports 2018 results. YahooFinance.