A curation of news on palm oil with a focus on sustainable palm oil.
Read the news that is going to impact the palm oil industry globally.
Read the news that is going to impact the palm oil industry globally.

Pinned post due to its relevance to the palm oil biodiesel debates. December 17 2019. Indonesia on Sunday signed an economic agreement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) aimed at increasing trade and investment, concluding almost eight years of negotiations. Read more...
Malaysia. EU's palm oil curb may hurt campaign to save forests. The Straits Times
Russia. 87% of imported palm oil from Indonesian origin. UKAgroConsult
Malaysia targets middlemen to end debt bondage of migrant workers. Dhakatribune
Indonesia. New sanctions imposed as NDPE still on paper only. Foresthints
Philippines seeks more favorable trade terms with Indonesia Philstar
Nigeria. Edo moves to develop palm oil sector
Malaysia. Palm oil used in biofuel should be certified as sustainable